The Restful State: Full Payment

The Restful State: Full Payment


With Elizabeth Gross CYT / CTP-500

7 Mondays February 5th-March 18th / 4:30-5:45PM ET

 Offered Virtually on Zoom

Space is limited, Pre-Registration Required by 2/5

The Restful State is an 7 week series of virtual yoga classes, meeting weekly on Mondays 4:30-5:45pm from February 5th through March 18th. This class is for you if you want to bring your body and mind in line with the Winter season of rest and recalibration.

Making space for inner listening and concentrated self care allows for the opportunity to take time away from daily stressors and drop into a place of being rather than doing, in order to recharge and attend to the Self. This human need is heightened in the winter, when we are invited by nature to do less and establish our resiliency. Having an experienced guide, a supportive community, and a devoted, consistent practice are all important aspects to letting your practice nourish you deeply in the winter and allow for your awakened life to unfold.

I designed this series of classes with all of the above in mind. It will blend asana with meditation, breath-work and journaling so you can experience a well rounded, introspective yoga practice during our time. My intention is that by the end of the 7 weeks, you'll have a deepened appreciation for the winter season and feel both rejuvenated and restored, so you may expand your capacity to manage whatever the future holds.

What’s included:

  • 7 weekly virtual yoga classes

  • Recordings of each class available for download for your lifelong access

  • Weekly Spotify playlists for you to play during class if you prefer practicing to music

  • Weekly emails detailing class topics, including suggested readings to support further exploration of practice themes outside of our time together

  • The option to have a virtual private yoga and meditation class with me during the course of the series for an additional, discounted price

Please note that all payments for this course are non-refundable. 

If you haven’t already seen the full program details, please review the main page prior to registering:

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