St. John’s Wort Infused Oil Crafting

a hands-on, experiential workshop


Offered outdoors and in person at Heartsong Sanctuary

Sunday June 27th 2-5pm EST

Rain Date: Saturday July 3rd 2-5pm EST

This hands on, experiential workshop is an opportunity for you to learn how to make one of the most well known and celebrated herbal infused oils: St. John’s Wort oil.

St. John’s Wort oil is a simple to make, safe and natural remedy for pain relief. This luscious, deep red herbal infused body oil encapsulates the warming and healing qualities of peak summer sun, and supports deep relaxation and recovery within the musculoskeletal and nervous systems. 

Through this well-balanced workshop, you will be guided through the gardens that I designed at Heartsong Sanctuary where St. John’s Wort lives. We will spend ample time with this special plant and learn how to make an infused oil from our harvest. You will learn my refined technique for making a highly potent remedy, including all of my special tips and secrets!

You will bring home a jar of St. John’s Wort oil that you will make yourself during the workshop.

During this workshop we will:

  • Meet St. John’s Wort where the plant grows

    • Learn how to identify, get to know, and ethically harvest St. John’s Wort for high quality oil making

  • Learn general indications and health benefits for St. John’s Wort oil external application

  • Learn how to prepare and make St. Johns Wort oil

    • Materials to have on hand, various oils you can use, how to process the plant, and my time tested techniques for creating a deeply potent oil

  • Effectively label the prepared oil for optimal identification (this is VERY important!)

  • Learn how to store the oil for optimal shelf life

  • Learn tips for growing St. John’s Wort at home, or in your local community garden, to nourish a life long practice of St. John’s Wort oil crafting for your at home apothecary.

Please consider taking this workshop if:

  • You are a massage therapist or bodyworker and want to enhance your practice by using your own handcrafted, all natural oils

  • You want to have on hand safe, effective and all-natural remedies for common ailments, including pain relief

  • You want to learn time tested methods for herbal medicine making

  • You want to spend time outside learning about plants that grow wild, or that you can cultivate in your home or community garden

  • You often spend a lot of money on natural body care products and want more cost effective ways to take care of health at home

Please bring:

  • A journal and pen/pencil for note taking or drawing

  • A small harvesting basket and gardening gloves (optional)

  • Hand pruning shears or a knife for harvesting*

  • A pair of kitchen scissors- you will need these to make the oil (Hand pruning shears are also fine to use, but not a knife)*

    * please make sure your gardening tools are thoroughly cleaned before the workshop!



  • Fee includes all materials for oil making, including jars and lids, label supplies, carrier oil, and the secret essential ingredient that makes this oil optimally potent.

COVID-19 safety guidelines:

This class will take place exclusively outdoors and is limited to 10 participants to ensure proper social distancing measures can be in effect.

This workshop is inclusive and open to people of all abilities

and levels of experience with herbal medicine making. 

A note about me and oils: I have been basically obsessed with making the most potent herbal infused oils,

which I include in my prenatal Thai Yoga herbal bodywork practice and sell in my online shop.

St. John’s Wort is one of my most cherished herbal allies, and I am thrilled to share all about this special plant with you.