Our Cycles, Ourselves: Deposit

Our Cycles, Ourselves: Deposit


With Elizabeth Gross

8 Wednesdays beginning January 17th-March 13th, from 4-6pm ET (no class February 14th)

In Person (Rosendale, NY)

Pay a $270 deposit today, with a second payment of $270 will be due by 2/10

Space is limited, Pre-Registration Required

Our Cycles, Ourselves is an 8 week series of gatherings for people who menstruate wanting to deepen their connection to their menstrual cycles through learning and implementing the Fertility Awareness Method (FAM).

Having a truly embodied connection to the menstrual cycle is about letting the connection itself change and transform you, as it supports the change and transformation you are already going through. Not only is FAM useful in better understanding one’s own menstrual cycle, but it’s also a way to uncover the daily rhythms and routines that might be helpful in fostering deepend self connection. Having an experienced guide, a supportive community, and a devoted, consistent practice are all important aspects of letting menstrual cycle connection nourish you deeply.

This weekly gathering will blend learning the practical skills of the Fertility Awareness Method with implementing the method in real time, so you will experience a well rounded balance of learning and action throughout our time together. We will also be going over various herbs, foods, and self care practices that can help support menstrual cycle health throughout its different phases. My intention is that by the end of the 8 weeks, you'll have a deepened appreciation for your menstrual cycle and all the wisdom it holds for you and feel supported, both by way of the course and the community we form together, to practice FAM with steadiness and ease.

What’s included:

  • 8 weekly classes (there will be a week off mid-course for catch up purposes)

  • Weekly private message group for you to share questions and celebrations with the course community, if you’d like

  • The option to have a private consultation with me during the course of the series for an additional, discounted price

If you haven’t already seen the full program details, please review the main page prior to registering: www.selkiemedicinals.com/our-cycles-ourselves

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